The Good News

I have been listening to The End of Covid and studying the rise (and immanent fall) of the Pharmaceutical/Medical/Congressional/Industrial/Media/Military/Techno-Fascist Complex.
Here are my conclusions:
The Germ Theory is 100% wrong. Viruses do not cause disease. Disease is caused by malnutrition, poisons and injury. When tissues are damaged, microbes show up on the scene as Firefighters and Garbagemen who are then blamed for the problem. When tissues die they are digested by bacteria and fungi and recycled into new living cells. The presence of a virus or bacteria in the body of a sick person does not mean that it caused the sickness. Correlation is not causation.
Big Pharma and its demon children Virology and Vaccination have hijacked the body’s healing processes and called them diseases that need treatment. The body produces symptoms as it purifies itself: coughing, sneezing, fevers, diarhea, vomiting, nausea, perspiration, etc. These are not diseases and should not be treated as such. Even cancer is not a disease, but the body’s attempt to survive low oxygen conditions. If there is not enough oxygen, the hydrogen in the food we eat does not combust in the mitochondria of the cell; it ferments which requires a lot of cells to extract the energy. This is a tumor. Dr Otto Warburg proved this in Germany at the Kaiser Institute in Berlin in the 1940s. He had a 100% cure rate with his cancer patients by “flooding the body with oxygen”. He received the Nobel Prize in Medicine, twice, for curing Cancer. Ever heard of him? He was erased from the history books, like Tesla and many others.
Louis Pasteur invented the Germ Theory and recanted later in his life when he could not deny the reality that his Vaccines had killed hundreds of thousands of people all over Europe. He said “The germ is nothing, the Terrain, everything” Pasteur developed a Rabies vaccine by drilling holes in the skulls of German Shepherds and injecting ground up brains and spinal cords and fermented blood into them. When the dogs foamed at the mouth and died horrible deaths, Pasteur claimed their deaths were proof that a virus causes Rabies.
Napoleon the 3rd loved Pasteur and his vaccines and founded the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Otto Von Bismark of Prussia was also a big fan. He paid Pasteur’s pal Robert Koch $100,000 Bismarks to write a paper claiming that ships coming from India were carrying contagious diseases caused by the Germs Pasteur was claiming to exist. That way, the Prussian Navy could kill the crews and confiscate the ships without any public outcry. This is the bed that Big Pharma and Totalitarian Governments fornicate in: “Public health and safety” through Techno-Fascist Control.
The Germ Theory is a a military weapon disguised as medical science. It works fabulously well because we human beings are fabulously irresponsible and routinely transfer ownership of our lives to others.
The Bubonic plague was not caused by fleas on rats. We know this because rats can’t run as fast as the plague spread, which appeared all over Europe at the same time. A much more likely explanation is that it was radiation poisoning that was caused by solar flares which released gamma rays that were able to penetrate the atmosphere.
The Spanish Flu was caused by vaccines.
Polio was caused by DDT and fecal matter in drinking water. It has been known since the time of Hippocrates that heavy metals like mercury and lead causes paralysis. Polio was eliminated by sanitation and refrigeration which improved nutrition. The Vaccine Pimps took credit for this by changing the definition of the disease and manipulating the numbers. In 1950, for example, when 400,000 new cases of polio showed up POST widespread vaccination, the American Medical Association declared these new cases to be Meningitus, not Polio. This made it look like Polio cases plummeted. Jonas Salk became a world famous hero, however, in 1977 he admitted that most of the polio cases were caused by his vaccine. This got zero media coverage,
The Swine Flu was not a virus, but chemical poisoning. Same for Zika, Ebola, and SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome).
Covid is not a virus. It is a label that was invented to explain the diseases caused by air pollution, pesticides, synthetic pharmaceutical poisons, 5G radiation, fluoride, aspartame, malnutrition, radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions and depleted uranium, insufficient oxygen uptake, vaccines, antibiotics, and chemotherapy. Covid lumps all these causes together and calls them viral infections.
The mRNA “vaccines” are gene therapy and they create a hybrid human, a Genetically Modified Human who is now patentable and owned by the patent holder. The shots contain nano-particulates which self assemble into structures that look like computer circuits. The astronomically poisonous shots also cause heart attacks and blood clots 3 feet long, bigger than coroners have ever seen.
Monsanto has won in Court suing farmers whose fields were seeded by the wind with GMO crops. For Copyright infringement.
Virology is modern day voodoism, demonology and superstition. Virologists are marketeers who run an advertising campaign for Big Pharma. They take fluids from a sick person and combine it with healthy cells in a soup of cow’s blood, antibiotics, heavy metals (these are called adjuvants and they shock the cell to the point where it’s pores open), chemicals, and other highly toxic substances.
When the cells die, they claim it is proof that the virus in the fluids is what killed them.
5G radiation has been shown to cause hypoxia (low oxygen) because the iron in the hemoglobin in the blood is attracted to the 5G waves more than to oxygen, What looks like pneumonia is actually suffocation. Wuhan, China, the most air polluted city on Earth, had 10,000 5G transmitters installed in 2018. The population was also heavily vaccinated. When 200 people showed up at the hospitals unable to breathe, the doctors ventilated them which killed them. Must be a virus.
HIV is a fiction and is not the cause of AIDS. What is called AIDS is immune suppression due to toxic drugs, antibiotics and junk food. Anthony Fauci masterminded the manufactured HIV crisis. He told the gay activists “The more you protest, the more I get funded for drugs like AZT”. He proscribed AZT, an immune suppressor, to people with suppressed immune systems. Every single person who took AZT ($10,000 per year) died a horrible death.
Polio, AIDS and Covid are medically induced diseases that are caused by the treatment itself. Billions of sincere, decent, good-hearted human beings have unknowingly believed lies because they trusted the medical authorities.
The modern world structure is built on fear based control systems, financial extortion through unlawful banking syndicates, medical and scientific fraud, military dictatorships, emotional and linguistic terrorism, religious beliefs based on false and unverifiable assumptions, and transnational corporations which seduce and subdue their customers by pandering to the lowest of our sub-human tendencies. The fear creates a Narrative in which the hapless victim must be saved by medical science and authoritarian governments.
The Good News is that all this is temporary and doomed to disintegrate. Everything that is not true dissolves and is swept away by the Current of the Infinitely Radiant Intelligence in which all of Space and Time are appearing.
The Good News is that this Intelligence, the Core Nature of Reality, is Alive and Well in and as you. We are the Tongues of Its Flames, the Passion of Its Heart, the Expression of its Staggering Beauty. Homo Glorious.
The reason this is not widely known and celebrated as the basis of human culture is because we have confused the Truth of Life with bullshit propaganda about it.
Everyone knows what the truth is and everyone knows what love and happiness are. We are not stupid, but we are ignorant because we ignore Reality and substitute our cardboard assumptions about it FOR it.
That\’s why he have the world that we have, because we are like children from whom it is easy to steal and control.
The world reflects our default on ourselves and we should take a long look in the mirror. Are we really identical to all those dreadful thoughts and miniscule self images sloshing around in our thick skulls?
If we want to be adults, we have to take responsibility for the grotesque, hideous lies we tell ourselves and others.
THAT we are should give us a Clue as to WHAT we are. The Universe, Existence Itself, is a Glorious Wonder and Mystery. Therefore, we are a Glorious Wonder and Mystery.
The next time someone from the World Economic Forum tells you that you’re a “useless eater” who deserves to own nothing and should be grateful to eat bugs for dinner, please give them my number and ask them to call me.
I love you. Please respect yourself and All Life.
“Covid is not a virus. It is a label that was invented to explain the diseases caused by air pollution, pesticides, synthetic pharmaceutical poisons, 5G radiation, fluoride, aspartame, malnutrition, radioactive fallout from nuclear explosions and depleted uranium, insufficient oxygen uptake, vaccines, antibiotics, and chemotherapy. Covid lumps all these causes together and calls them viral infections.”
The following problem arises: if it was as you say, then why the hell did all the authorities and media (who got incredible money for it) pour in daily, without stopping, exaggerating and exaggerating the power of the supposed covid (or whatever lies behind it: Pollution, 5 G)? If covid were any real thing that was as scary as they said, there would be no need for exaggeration and endless manipulation to bring people to the needle. But that’s exactly what happened.
How about “covid is nothing”?
It was hyped to push the vaccines. The virus is a fictional story, no such contagious particle exists. The story enabled the vaccine, which is a bio-weapon. Germ warfare is notorious for its failure to kill. The clot shot is the murder weapon used by the eugenicists at the WHO, WEF and UN
And this is “post-kovid” ;):)
seems to me that spacex continual puncturing
of our planetary upper atmosphere has been timed
specifically to correspond with the current solar peak ,
enabling massive amounts of high energy radiation
to flood down to earth surface … solar cycle 25 ,
plandemic 2.0 , novel bubonic plague , 2025 .
billions to perish , bit scary , eh ?
never mind , plenty of puppet show
distractions in the pipeline , meticulously
designed and created for mass fascination pull .
developed to cause maximum confusion and cognitive
dissonance in the herd … but not panic . lies now , panic later !
I suppose the Good news
is that undamaged humans
will fare much better than those
with compromised , corrupted immune systems .
that’s the way that i took the message too. and this is also after discussing with Bob by telephone about this message. whether or not Pasteur said “the terrain is everything. the microbe is nothing.” on his death bed, french physicians repeated this slogan repeatedly during that era of medical discovery. if “the terrain is everything” and i tend to agree with this statement, what shall we do about it? both as individuals and in groups? part of this is something that i pointed out in my essay “Religion is Fraud” at the very end. Raising children with dogs and cats from infancy is an inoculation, but a natural one, to leukemia. Physicians are telling us these things if we pay attention. I fear that when these revelations are made, they are discarded because they lack the cachet of slick marketing. Another statement that is widely proven but also discarded, is the fact that inactivity is more deadly than smoking tobacco cigarettes. The human heart pumps the blood in the arteries, but it is the body’s muscles that pump the blood in the veins. Movement is necessary. Loneliness is deadly. But don’t tell that to anyone or else you’ll be cancelled faster than a netflix TV series.
Please consider writing more, I will publish it
the Best Good news , as far as I am concerned ,
is that you , King Bob , and quite a few others ,
I trust , are the future of a truly free human ,
in whatever becomes of North America …
your writing , your life and your Love ,
clearly confirm you a Great example .
I am a stoned old raver soothsayer .
I am a fuckin good example of that !….
The Good News: Appreciate the effort, passion and the quest for debunking the lies. Especially appreciate the historical excerpts- provided they are true.
Beyond this, for myself, I love the simplicity, complexity, and mystery of 4000 plus years of scripture. I believe the answers for mankind are found therein and find their summation in the person of Jesus. “ I am the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end…” Rev. The story is all there in the volume of the book. “ I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father except through me…” the gospel (THE Good News).
Bob, I’m sittin on the back porch right now, enjoying a good stout. Wish you were here my friend – where we could stretch this content a little further.
blimey James , those quotes make Jesus
sound like the ultimate narcissist tyrant .
if thats THE Good news ,
whats THE Bad news ?
James, thank you for your comment. In my opinion, the liberating message of Jesus Christ is that God is Love and that we are made entirely from it, that the “Word became flesh” not just in Jesus’s case, but in everyone’s case. “You shall be one as I and my father are one”. I believe that the original verse was “I Am IS the Way, the Truth and the Life” and ‘I Am IS the alpha and omega”. I say this because only God can say “I” and when you or I point to our chest and say “I”, it is God’s Radiance and Love that is speaking. My truest and deepest nature is made entirely from God’s Grace and Passion, but we color the pure Light of God with our miniscule ideas about ourselves, falsely imagining that we are separate from God, an impossibility in the same way that a wave cannot not be separate from the ocean.
The image is entirely dependent upon and intimate with the Screen on which it appears and could not possibly be separate from it.
I believe that ONLY God Exists, that all the “one” and “many” gods are Idols of That Which Is God: infinite Consciousness, Intelligence and Love. If this is true then all matter and all apparently separate things are actually states of God’s Consciousness in the same way that ice, liquid and vapor are states of water, 3 states of One Substance.
I also believe that Jesus’s message was so revolutionary, it had to be contained and controlled by
religious and political intelligentsia of his day: the Pharisees and Romans. They curtailed his message and clipped its wings by changing the meaning of his statements about Mankind’s Always Existing Prior Unity with God into a cultic religion about him. Instead of the religion OF Jesus, we got a Religion ABOUT Jesus. This took the attention off the Message and everyone went back to sleep.
It is not arrogant or blasphemous to claim unity with God and it does not inflate the ego with notions of grandiosity, quite the contrary, it produces profound gratitude and humility.
“Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brethren, that you do also unto me” is evidence to me that Jesus recognized the profound unity of all Being and that this was his original message which James proclaimed in Jerusalem while Paul built the ego cult of vicarious salvation in Rome.
I understand that this is impossible to accept for those who believe that Man is separate from God through Original Sin and that Jesus died on the Cross to save us. All I ask is for one shred of evidence of anything whatsoever being separate from its’ source. Can a leaf be separate from the tree? No, but it can think so and act on that basis. I beieve that this is what Jesus called Sin: arrogantly asserting that you are separate from God, an insult to Existence. Repent from the false idea of separation from God and, like the Prodigal Son, return to the Father who welcomed him with open arms.
then Be Both .
Be the Son and the Father .
Be miniscule and Love the Great
and Be Great and Love the miniscule .
Balance the duality and Create the novelty …..
to Infinite Consciousness , novelty is the Real Good News !
Reunited State .
Accept , absorb , reactivate .
Become a Sun , burn to vibrate .
Allow , achieve and radiate .
Return , as One , born to create .