The Patriarchy Continues to Dominate Women. Where are the Feminists? Part 2

by robert cinque
After some considerable backlash from my previous article Where Are The Feminists? I see that my basic assumption was correct: Feminism, Transhumanism and transgenderism are weapons of the Ruling Patriarchy that have gone unnoticed by sincere Feminists because it was disguised as compassionate care for people “born into the wrong body”. Marketed as a human right, big woke corporations like Budweiser and Nike are willing to lose millions if not billions in sales for hiring transwomen like Dylan Mulvaney to pitch their brands. They must know perfectly well that they are going to lose millions of Americans who like to drink Budlight and watch football. I predict they will lose every single one. I certainly hope so. So, why would they do it? They know that the vast majority of the human population is heterosexual and find woman impersonators like Dylan to be a disgrace against the Precious and Sacred Domain of Womanhood.
So, Why?
Why are our female athletes required to endure naked men in their locker rooms?
Why are men who say they are women allowed to compete in woman’s sports? If I was a prisoner and identified as a free person, would they let me go?
The reason why is because there is a war being waged against humanity that uses our natural, warm blooded, compassion for those who suffer as a weapon. This is why, if you don’t use the right pronouns, you’re a bigoted, heartless motherfucker who should be shot on sight.
Our empathy, our capacity for love, makes us human. It is appropriate to defend and support those who are vulnerable and oppressed.
That’s why it’s such a powerful weapon in the hands of the Global Psychopathic Patriarchy, which is an Occult Syndicate whose ideology is based on the dramatization of Victimhood, their ultimate Holy of Holies.
For example, the Zionists fomented both world wars to torture the Jewish people in German concentration camps in order to create millions of victims so that worldwide sympathy for their terrible suffering would enable the creation of the 100% Rothschild built State of Israel. The Zionist flag flew under the Nazi flag in Berlin. Germany was destroyed in WW1 and rebuilt by Hitler who came to power because the Rothschild Dynasty wanted to use his hatred for the Jewish people as a way of turning them into victims. The Rothschilds created Zionism in order to create Israel, not because they cared about the Jews, they wanted a State in the Middle East that would be backed up by the military might of the USA. That was their End, their Means were the Jews and their horrific and entirely manufactured suffering.
In the same way, the Occult Satanic Patriarchy invented Feminism. Transhumanism and Transgenderism as weapons of control. The plight of the victim of gender confusion must now be rescued by the Grand Benevolence of Big Pharma and Big Tech who are oh so willing to sterilize everyone and take control of human reproduction. That’s their End, the destruction of both masculine and feminine sexuality is their Means.
When the Feminists finally figure out that it was the Patriarchy and its War on Women who funded their movement, they are gonna be pissed.
Repeat: the Occult Satanic Pedophiles of the Patriarchy have hijacked puberty and turned it into an artificially manufactured state of victimhood from which transitioning to the opposite gender is the only solution. Doctors are telling parents: You’re either going to have a dead daughter or a transitioned son.
The War on Humanity begins with the War on Women. That’s why biological men like Rachel Levine won the Woman of the Year award. And, the reason why Dylan Mulvaney has skyrocketed into multi-million dollar contracts with global multi billion dollar corporations is because those corporations are owned by Blackrock and Vanguard who are Rothschild and Rockefeller Satanists.
The solution to all this manufactured madness is the same solution that has always existed, the only one which has ever, or could ever, work:
self -ownership.
Self ownership is the silver bullet to the Dracula of Victimhood.
I am responsible for what I think, say and do. The effects, implications and outcomes of all my thoughts, words and actions are my responsibility. I am not a victim. I do not need to be rescued. I am a free being, born into an Ecstatic Realm of Nature. No government or agency or institution has jurisdiction over me. Only my Originating Source has jurisdiction over me, to which I happily surrender.
Take me off this mailing list. I’m still getting these screeds and I do not want them. I miss who you were before you went off the rails so if you ever get help for your delusional disordered addicted mind I would be happy to have you back in my life but until then I consider your relationship to me toxic, unhealthy and intolerable. Good luck to you, Bob. I really hope you get the help you need. Love from your sister. PS Boundaries are not cowardly. They are the key to healthy relationships. Try them and see for yourself.
I assume that this is a sincere and genuine communication .
it serves as a stark illustration of the schism that has been created ,
widened and solidified between those who are remembering
and awakening to what they truly are and those who are not .
impactful writing skill runs in the family , it seems !