From Mild to Wild

From Mild to Wild
by robert cinque
When a seed germinates in water and soil, its future destiny as a tree gestates in the womb of Mother God.
When an ego germinates in light and love, its future destiny as the Word made flesh gestates in the Heart of Father God.
When a chrysalis germinates in a cocoon, its future destiny as a butterfly gestates in the Imaginal Luminescent Body of Radiant Love.
The Sacred Trinity of Father/Mother/Child is the Truth of Life.
Life is 100% Sexual.
Males and females of every species create new life with their love and passion for each other: Life’s Love and Passion for More and More of Itself.
God is Infinitely Wild.
Uncontainable Love and Passion, which overflows as the universe. The Universe is a Tsunami in the Ocean of the Presence of Infinite Conscious Living Intelligence Alive as all of Us.
We go from Mild to Wild when our microscopically miniscule ideas about ourselves are incinerated in the Furnace of the Searing Presence of That Which is Alive as all things.
There are no actual things. What we call things are attributes of Consciousness. They appear as things and objects and others as a matter of Childlike Play.
That’s Right. Life is Play. Life is Happy Game.
But then, our lamebrain ideas about ourselves slurk and ooze into a Gang, a Mafia, the Kidnapper of our Innocence. We become thugs and goons who mug little old ladies in the street. The common ego presumptions we smear all over ourselves and everyone else produce a catastrophic mess, a clusterfuck of suffering, self- pity and blame.
And, this suffering is a Furnace in which Gold is smelted. The heat burns away everything that is not Gold.
Here is my point: Fuck things up all you want, but you’re gonna pay. Why not pre-empt all that and show up as love and energy? Curiosity and enthusiasm about what’s Real?
That way you could conduct the infinite Power
“Enlightenment is Perfect Non-obstruction”
Adi Da
the game of Duality ..
Snakes and Ladders , Hide and Seek , Heaven and Hell .
So full of fascination lures , attention snares and ego traps .
a minefield of confusion , contradiction and mind bend Paradox .
Suitable for players age One to Infinity …………………………………………………………………………………………………….,
children lose themselves when they play , so too , do grownups
but we tend to forget its just a game we make up as we go along .
my favourite game is dodging games .
having successfully disentangled from a lifetimes worth of someone elses games ,
I remain , on the edge or in-between , still aware and observing but now , rarely playing a part .
most of my family and friends are still mired in the Maya today but tomorrow , who knows ?
Im always here , prepared to run on , with my magic sponge and encouraging words .
you are encouraging me and that counts too. you mentioned that people are “mired in the Maya.” if you assert that this life that we experience is a game, are you implying that they should not play the game? if I understand correctly, what Alan Watts suggested regarding the game nature of existence is that, in order for the game to be fun, we have to take it seriously. but if we take it too seriously, we are also in risk. I cannot state this with certainty, but, attempting to quit the game is a form of death. Which we will experience anyway? I’m sorry that this message may have been unhelpful.
wonderful Alan , thought that people who completely immersed themselves
in the game and became , of the game , were the bravest of souls , allowing God
to experience every possible state of being . I spent the first half of my life doing exactly that .
so I forgot and lost the essence of awareness , becoming depressed and contemplating suicide …
consciously disentangling from many , not all , aspects of the game , enabled me to remember
who , or rather what , I truly am … it is all about balance , in everything you choose to play .
as you can see , G , I am still very much alive and commenting… a game I really Love .