The Illusion is Real
Everything is real, including illusions. That’s because consciousness is real. We know consciousness is real because it is at the core of every single experience we have. An illusion pretends to be something it is not, like a mirage of water in a desert. The mirage exists even though the water doesn’t. The awareness and perception and experience of the illusion is real.
The scientistic materialistic neuroscientists who claim that perception is an illusion are correct but for the wrong reason. They think that consciousness is an “emergent phenomena” of the brain, that neurons firing in the brain create a simulation that we call reality.
This is an error. Perception is a consequence of awareness, of consciousness, not the other way around.
This means that awareness is first, not perception, not brains, not bodies.
The materialist is correct in saying perception is an illusion but not because of neurons firing in the brain.
Perception is an illusion because it is a function of consciousness, the singular, undivided unity of Conscious Living Intelligence that modulates itself into apparent space/time subject/object relationships in which objects and universes are perceived and experienced. The reason this is so incredibly important is because this awareness is our actual identity, not merely the objects of our awareness.
It’s the difference between a map and the territory it describes. Perception is a map of the territory of Awareness.
The body/mind precipitates out of consciousness like water vapor that condenses on a glass of iced tea.
To say that consciousness comes out of the body/mind is upside down and backwards. This prevents an accurate understanding of our actual Condition as infinite consciousness.
Its also a completely ridiculous premise that exists without a single shred of supporting evidence. The neuroscientist never explains how it works, how a non- material, weightless, massless, dimensionless Awareness emerges from matter.
As a result our science is unable to explain what we observe. Astrophysicists are endlessly “baffled”. Medical science is also crippled by materialistic assumptions which is why we have so many specialists. The singular, undivided reality has been artificially sliced into pieces and particles.
There are no particles anywhere in the universe. The particle is an illusion created by interference patterns between wave forms of energy and light. Its similar to an image on a screen. The image is a pixel, not a particle.

In the same way, the body is an Image projected onto the Screen of Consciousness. There is a seamless unity between the Image and the Screen. We don’t notice the screen when we watch a movie in the same way the neuroscientist doesn’t notice the consciousness with which he creates his theory.
The neuroscientist uses consciousness to disprove consciousness. This is intellectual dishonesty at its worst.
The elephant in the neuroscientist’s living room is Consciousness, the proper subject of scientific exploration. Consciousness, perception and experience must be understood in order for reality to be comprehended as it is. Looking through microscopes and telescopes day after day without looking at the Looker produces ignorance and stupidity. If I did not know I was wearing rose colored glasses, I would think that snow is red. The apparatus of the body/mind and its senses color Awareness like a prism, a rainbow in which clear light is refracted into color.
The real scientist doesn’t stop at the color, he traces it back to its origin. In the same way, we should not stop at perception and experience but trace them back to their origin in Awareness. Awareness is the clear Light of Living Intelligence that shines through the prism of the body/mind, producing the experience of perception of the universe.
This is only the beginning, the Doorway.
Reality shines as it is when the doors of perception are cleansed
Aldous Huxley
Spot on as usual. Understood and agree 100%.
Thank you Joe Roberts
hey Robert , long time no read !
excellent essay , perfectly simple .
good to see you are still thriving .
keep warm , stay strong in spirit ,
best wishes from Wessex , England .
Thank you Mark!
Let us Play !
I am One
I am Two D
In Three D …
I breathe In
And exhale Out
Energy …
I am Perfect
But Learning …
I am Feeling
Discerning …
A new Game
Is Beginning …
I am You
You are Me
We are Winning !