“Whatsoever you do unto the least of my brethren, that you do also unto me”
Jesus Christ

Do you really think that the way you treat yourself and others escapes Notice?
Do you really think that nothing matters? That you can act with impunity? As if what you think, say and do has no meaning or consequence?
This essay is designed to demonstrate how every single thing we do and don’t do expresses our not so hidden assumptions.
For example:
If I assume I am a separate thing, a body/mind/person who came into this world (instead of from it), like a leaf which doesn’t realize it comes from the tree, operating on my own 20 horsepower, then guess what?
I become a caricature of myself, a presumptuous and vain overlay of arrogance onto innocence. Its a default position, barely alive.
Let me explain.
The very moment you identify exclusively with the content of your experience, your body/mind/self and all its perceptions and perspectives. that’s the very moment you abandon the Awareness which makes the whole experience possible in the first place.

Does the Screen of Awareness need the Image of the Body/mind/self/universe to Exist?
Does the Body/mind/self/universe need the Screen of Awareness to exist?
Yes, the Image is made up entirely by the Screen, 100%.
The Image exists entirely by the ability of the Screen to pixelate, to refract its Clear Light into color, shape, space and time.
When we identify exclusively with the Image, we overlook the Screen and subject ourselves to the limitations of the Image.
This produces fear and suffering, competition, strategies and techniques designed to ensure our survival, an impossibility.
But, when we face Reality and the Primacy of Awareness as our True Identity, it doesn’t matter if Images appear or not. The Screen Exists independently of the Image.
Imposing our temporary, impermanent, mortal identities upon the Eternal Presence of Life is understandable, yes, but it is still a monumental error.
Unless the Image understands itself to be one with the Screen, exquisitely intimate and not separate from it, then a terrible fear and a desperate angst in inevitable.
The character on the stage is made entirely of the actor and his costume. He does not lament when the play is over, nor does the actor who goes home after the show.
Were the character to create an identity for himself, independent of the actor, he would suffer.
He has no identity apart from the actor. The actor and the audience make an agreement to tell a story, to enact roles and to forget that the character is an agreed upon fiction.
Unless the character is seen as an enjoyable and highly entertaining fiction, there will be suffering.
The suffering is a signal to Understand, like pain is a signal to take your hand out of the fire.
The refusal to face the Obvious, the insistence of a prosaic and provincial belief over the truth of our actual experience as Consciousness first/Image second is what creates egoity.
It’s a kind of sin, a crime against ourselves.
I call this spiritual pedophilia, a molestation of the Sacred by the Profane.
This is a very difficult admission to make, but I admit it.
Please see my essay Confessions of an Egoholic for more detail.
I admit it too , J r ,
I Love fiddling about
In Consciousness ……..
I have spent most of my life wishing for a better life or begging God to help me have a better life. I know very well now that there is no benefit to doing that. We have chosen to exist in this realm with exactly the circumstances that we have. You are recommending to people that they can, if they choose to, take a larger view of their circumstances in which we are all living together,
interconnected, and directly facing one another and touching each other intimately. Whether or not anyone chooses to do that, this is the reality of existence, and we will all get to know this eventually, and we choose to have the experiences that we have.
It is a curious subject for me:
what will happen if more people teach this to each other and a new society emerges, in rebellion to the vastly unsympathetic and inhumane world that we are born into.
I don’t know and I don’t really care. It is just a curiosity. I choose humanity and humanism, but, I don’t need you to do the same. Because I am confident of where I am going.